Is Dead by Daylight Cross Platform?

is dead by daylight cross platform

If you’ve ever delved into the spine-tingling world of Dead by Daylight, you know the thrill of being a survivor or the rush of hunting them down as a killer. This 4v1 online survival horror game thrives on the intensity of player interaction. But here’s the burning question: Is Dead by Daylight cross platform compatible?

The answer, my fellow horror enthusiasts, is a resounding yes! And thank the Entity for that—because who wants to be limited in their choice of victims, or companions, for that matter? Though let’s be honest, stalking the foggy realms as a killer just has a certain allure.

Uniting Survivors Across Platforms

Dead by Daylight crossplay wasn’t always part of the equation, but now it stands as a testament to the game’s evolving landscape. Whether you’re on Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox, or PlayStation, you can band together with others in a bid for survival. After all, it’s always a boon to face the horrors of the Entity with friends, regardless of the hardware they wield.

So, here’s how you can enable this inter-platform camaraderie:

  1. Fire up the game: Dive into the chilling realm of Dead by Daylight.
  2. Navigate to Options: Find the options button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select Online Section: Choose the online section from the menu.
  4. Toggle Crossplay: Here, you’ll find the crossplay option. Toggle it on to join the cross-platform madness.

The Mobile Exception

Now, before you rush to grab your console or PC, a quick note: mobile players, unfortunately, are not part of this grand crossplay alliance. However, there’s a silver lining. iOS and Android players can venture into the fog together, forming their own mobile-exclusive cohorts.

Adding Comrades in Arms

Once you’ve dipped your toes into the cross platform waters, you might want to solidify your bonds with fellow survivors. Adding friends in Dead by Daylight is a straightforward affair:

  1. Launch the Game: Enter the eerie world of Dead by Daylight.
  2. Locate the Friends Button: Look for the friends button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Add Friends: Select the “add friends” option.
  4. Enter Player ID: Input the player ID of your intended companion.
  5. Invite Away: Hit ‘invite a friend’ and wait for your ally to join the fray.

A World of Horror Awaits

And there you have it, everything you need to know about Dead by Daylight crossplay. So, grab your preferred platform, ready your nerves, and dive into the foggy abyss alongside friends old and new.

For those seeking a little extra, don’t forget to explore our Dead by Daylight codes list for some spine-chilling freebies. After all, in this shadowy world, every advantage could mean the difference between survival and becoming another haunting tale for the Entity’s twisted archives.


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